Thursday, July 26, 2012


How many people can relate to being guilty of starting something and then never seeing it through 'til the end. Probably most people, right? or at least that's what i like to console myself with. The endless amount of half painted canvas' and unfinished drawings i have stored away and piled up in secret corner's in my room is embarrassing... but i conquered a drawing today.. and finished it. such a beautiful thing.


Sometimes I will have a premeditated idea of what i want my finished piece to look like, and other times i have no idea and i just start in a small area and build. When i look back on drawing's though the one's that i've sketched out rough copies and made thumbnails for are always significantly more..... pleasing. Sounds pretty stupidly obvious, I know, but i just never wanted to believe my art teacher's when they'd force us to plan ahead. I always assumed it was because they were cruel natured and just wanted to spite us with meaningless toil. Seems legit, right?
From now on, I'm gonna be the artist with a plan!


  1. Amazing as always, like the artist.

  2. yyeeeeessssss!!!!!!! I absolutely love love the way you draw forests.

  3. Love it!!! I just love how lightly you draw... everything looks so soft. The different shades of trees and the sheep are rad!!
