Monday, January 2, 2012


So, you've probably seen those 365 photo projects done by photographer's where they try and take one photo for every day of the year. Well, I've decided to do something fun and challenge myself to create one piece of artwork once a week for this entire year. woohoo!
So, I've started this blog. which is kind of a big deal. just saying.
Drawing has always been a necessity in my life, but it's only 10% skill and 90% practice... and a heck of a lot of observation. So in doing this I hope to improve and maintain, just like any other kind of skill or fitness, my drawing. Also getting comfortable with the idea of people looking at what I'm creating, because as a lot of friends discovered I have always been reluctant to show, and keep most of my drawings to myself. I find myself torn because I want to share but that leaves room for critique. It's not about my confidence in my ability to draw but more so of the contents in the pieces, which are so often formed from personal experiences, feelings and beliefs. And unfortunately, I'm a very personal private person, but I really want to push myself out of my comfort zone, and get over it because I don't want feel insecure about what I make. that's lame, and that's why I'm going to be doing this.
Anyway this has been a nice little AA's -esque talk, I'm terrified and stoked to be starting this and I hope you can enjoy it as well.


I'm a huge huge disney classic's fan, as every 80s-90s kid should be, so I decided to draw something reminiscent of Beauty and the Beast.. because that's one of my favourites.

So, by next Monday I hope to have another piece up..
My mind is kind of blown right now, at the idea of that, but it's happening.

They're totally going to start off looking decent and as time goes by they're going to get more and more sketch and sloppy and sad. haha.


  1. This is amazing... Beauty and the Beast is def one of my favourites.
    please create create create mmmmmmore!

  2. Sofia, you're so talented! Looking forward to seeing the other 51 art pieces this year.

  3. so cool sofia. Love the style!! you've inspired me to do a piece a week too... good challenge. :)

  4. I LOVE Beauty & the Beast!! I thought I WAS Belle when I was little. This is so great- beautiful work!

  5. I think I come on your page everyday...That is my confession! Will you make potential copies for people?

  6. Wow, really!? I haven't thought about that yet, but maybe I will now. haha.
