Friday, June 1, 2012

bow & arrow

So i think it's been pretty obvious that my life style can't uphold this creating one drawing per week deal, so I am shamelessly changing it to just.. my art blog. and I'm okay with that. I just barely breeched this subject in my last post, but I was so rushed, I literally hit 'post' and walked out the door to the airport. I kind of felt before hand that creating an art blog was such a egotistical thing to do, because it is essentially. However as an artist if I can't share what I'm doing with others then art it obsolete, and I realized how utterly stupid I am. Yes i still gain personal satisfaction from the actual task of drawing and the pleasure of accomplishment when it's finished, but that's not what creates the lasting emotion of being satisfied. "Happiness is only real when shared." Experiences are always more enjoyable when you have someone to share that with. We are social creatures, and we're not meant to be alone.. but that's a different topic. So it's kind of a necessity for me to complete the process and be able to share these things I draw with you. I'm basically giving myself a pep talk here and reassuring myself on the initial foundation on which i created this blog so I don't have to feel guilty about failing it's face valued motives. Photobucket

I didn't really have a plan when I started drawing this, except that I knew it was going to have a bow and arrow.. because I had drawn something on a whim on a someone's hand that was generally the same idea.. because I draw on a lot of my friends hands. haha. It was hard to know when I was finished, because the thing with not having a plan it that you really don't have an end goal, you just sort of keep going until something looks right. My eyes get a little confused looking at this piece. There isn't a lot of connection between all the different elements that make up the picture anesthetically.. but it's abstract so no there is no right or wrong. win! Starting on my next one right now.... mmhmm.


    It looks Native. I love it. And absolutely! By posting your art you are allowing others to discover fresh cravings within themselves, or helping them to name a deep feeling within, or helping them to heal. Art is an amazing medium through which to touch souls.

  2. love this so much. so much! just had a thought... I don't know if you'd be into this but it would be amazing to have a blurb book filled with your drawings.... drool.... just a thought? ooh or we could have a fun combo book with a section with your work, a section with Ellebelle's work :) and just a couple sections with our drawing friends pieces (Lynne?).... at the end of the year or something? just a thought.

  3. This is sweet Sofia! Very Native.
    Neil, I'll try not to be offended that you didn't ask for any of my pieces. My work has been compared within the childrens prehistoric genre...
